The Suckout

Last night I went down to Hawaiian Gardens with Zengy to play some NL and witnessed one of the all-time great suckouts. Luckily I wasn’t in this hand but it was amazing all the same.

Flop comes Q high, all clubs. Player in EP catches a flush on the flop and pushes all in for about $150 (J high in his hand). MP calls the all-in with KQ with no clubs. LP calls the all-in with A of clubs and some other junk card. Now, at this point in the story you’re probably saying to yourself, EP needs to push anybody drawing with a higher flush off the hand so that move makes sense. It’s a little loose but you may even be saying to yourself that A of clubs made an ok call here (I might argue with that since you know that 3 clubs are on board, your opponent has to have at least 2 and you have a caller in-between who probably has one if not two clubs which leaves you drawing to 5 – 7 outs). And some of you may even be thinking, what the hell is MP even thinking calling with just a pair of queens. See, that just shows what fools you are. Turn came Q and the river came K giving him a full house and he took down about $400.

Behold the power of the suckout! 🙂