Tuesday Night at the Casino

We got the local casino to set us up a tournament Tuesday night. £20 buy-in with £10 rebuys. I didn’t make it too far past the first break. Worst moment though was when I got slow rolled by someone who hardly even plays the game.

Hand comes down with me holding top pair and a good kicker. I’m betting all the way and just getting called. I turn up my cards and my opponent shows a six to make a pair. As I’m starting to reach towards the pot she smiles and flips up a second pair. She flopped two pair and called me down to the river and then slow rolled me!

So with nothing to do I head on over to the Black Jack tables. I buy in for £300 and they give me three cheques. I battle away for a bit but finally run my original £300 up to £1100. By the end of the night I cash out for £600 for a £300 profit. I almost made as much as the guy who won the tournament!

BTW, check out Mean Gene’s writeup on Allyn Jaffrey Shulman’s latest column over at Card Player.